Sunday, September 6, 2009


This has been such a fun summer! First we had Emily and Julie here for a few months and Monica loved having Julie to play with pretty much as close to whenever she wanted. And let's be honest. Leah liked it too!!
They played in the water...
Went for Uncle pony rides...
Got their toes painted and watched movies together.

Went to the zoo...
I love this picture because you can just tell there was something really cute in Leah's expression that tickled her aunty pink!

Luckily, we get to keep Melissa, Jessy and Mikey and see them once a week.
It's our cousin fix.
What would we do without them?

I loved watching Julie and Ryan get down with their bad selves.
But alas, as many good things do, Emily and Julie's visit came to an end.
To understand what Emily means to me, I direct your attention to a few posts down. I laughed when I first read what she wrote, but now it's really true. And I miss her. A lot.

But we couldn't be depressed very long because the same weekend we went to Silver City to visit Spencer and Tricia! Once we told Monica she would be seeing Dakota and Sailor, it was all she could do to keep from asking, "Are we there yet?" for the entire 5 hours we drove.
Leah and Tagert.
I thought it was funny that they both have their 4th finger next to a goldfish and pretty much the same expression on their faces when I held up the camera to take a picture of them. They are a little less than a month apart.

Dakota, Monica and Sailor.

Think they had fun together?

Dakota started the "pose".
Then Monica had to try.
Then little Sailor!
These girls had fun playing all weekend long and when we got home, Monica asked if we could go back because she missed her Dakota and her Sailor. Then, when Ryan was doing a merit badge interview with one of his scouts, Monica ran to the door and came back looking dejected. I asked her what the matter was and she answered in her saddest voice, "I thought it was Daddy and Uncle Spencer."
Silly girls!

1 comment:

Kristen Taylor said...

Isn't it nice to have family around! It is so good your little girls get to have that interaction. I loved having my cousins around when I was little. It is so weird to me that the Taylor boys don't even know some of their cousins. Looks like you guys had a fun summer!! :)