Monday, July 19, 2010

Our Little Family

The girls looked so cute before church yesterday that I HAD to take some pictures. Enjoy!

It's a Girl!

As of today I am 19 weeks and 1 day. Ryan took a couple belly shots yesterday before church to see how our little GIRL has grown. We found out a couple weeks ago that she was a girl, but in true Anna fashion, I am blogging about it now. I used to have to be laying on my tummy to be able to feel her, but I have been feeling those familiar flutters all the time now. It is the best part of pregnancy, for me. I love feeling those kicks and being reminded that I have a new little babe growing in there. I can't wait to see what she looks like. But until then, here's what I look like:

Sparklers and Anniversary

4th of July came and went and we had a blast! We went to Aunty Theresa's to swim and BBQ and then we all went up to the ridge above Tanoan and had the best seats in the city to see the fireworks ALL over! It was a great time and wouldn't you know it, we forgot our camera! But next year we'll be prepared.

The next day, which also happened to be our 7 year anniversary, Mark and Emily came over to light sparklers with us. Here are a few of my favorites of the kiddos.

I love the kids in the background.

Uncle Mark helping Lee-lee get ready for another sparkler.
Completely entranced. 

Julie was content to just watch the sparklers.

Crazy Ryan, the love of my life!
The last 7 years have been filled with adventure, for sure. 
It's amazing to me how I thought I couldn't love anyone more on our wedding day, but 7 years later I find my heart stretched beyond my imagination. Each time our family grows, my love for him grows as well. He is a great husband and father and we make a great team. We've had our ups and downs and seem to only come out stronger. Love you, Babe!


The girls had a fun water balloon party this year. There were two drawbacks, though. 

The balloons only lasted about 5 minutes - not nearly enough balloons, so it was a FAST water balloon party.

The other was that right before the party, Leah busted her nose on a radio.
She was trying to change the song and ended up pulling it on top of her, slicing her nose right above her lip. 
But no worries, we cleaned it real well and put ice on it right away so there was pretty much no swelling and it healed very quickly. Within a couple days you could barely tell it happened.

So now for the mushy mom part. I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVE A 2 AND 5 YEAR OLD! I remember holding them as babies like it was the day before yesterday! Ha.

But really, Monica is about to start school and take her first steps out into the world without me being there. I'm trying to stave off the panic attacks as much as possible. I'm not entirely sure where the paranoia comes from. I always thought I would just be so happy to drop her off, but I admit, I can already see myself crying the day I drop her off for her first day. She is so smart. She likes to write out my grocery lists for me, asking how to spell all the words. And she is picking up reading pretty quickly and can do simple math. She amazes me everyday.

And Leah is just growing up so fast too! She is speaking in full sentences now and copying Monica like nobody's business. She just loves her big sister. But she reminds me she is only 2 every time she pinches someone. I can't quite figure out what to do about that. She is also getting close to potty training. She did well for about a month and then I lost my patience. I know, bad mom! But it was taking so long, I just finally realized that she wasn't even two yet when we started and just barely two when we quit. She still has some time. But not much! With the baby coming in December, the pressure goes back on for good next month. 

It's been a roller coaster of the last 5 years, joining the ranks of motherhood. But I wouldn't trade them for anything. I have learned, and been stretched in ways I never thought possible. And I do have two of the best kids on the planet! Happy Birthday, Monica and Leah!!

Tina took a bunch of pictures and I'm hoping to get them sometime. But these are my faves of the shots I got.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fun in the Sun

Who doesn't have a ton of fun in the water??
We love our little giraffe pool!

And cousins make sun time absolute fun time!!
Thanks for hanging with us Jessy!!

Candid Camera

The girls can get creative, especially when Ryan is home!
Leah likes to rock out...

I love moments like these when I just look outside and the girls are playing so nicely together.
Monica is a pro at helping Leah get her Otter Pops. 

One of my favorite memories from this point in time was when Ryan was gone training in Nebraska with the Reserves, and I took the girls dinner outside so they could eat out on the porch. I went back inside to get my plate and when I went back outside, the girls both had their heads bowed, arms folded, and Monica was saying a prayer for the food. It was sooooo sweet!

Christina and Lewis just moved to OK and sent the older kiddos back here with Mom and Dad for a few weeks, so I brought Ashley and Katie home with me to play for a few hours with the girls. Ashley and Monica were enjoying playing with the Polly's and Katie and Leah opted to snuggle up and watch "Spongebob"!


Monica started ballet in the Spring, but then Miss Sarah got really sick. 
These are the last pictures of Monica in ballet before classes went on break.
Poor girl inherited my lack of flexibility, but I think she does great despite that!