Friday, October 10, 2008

It's a Party!!

Last night Ryan and I took the girls to see the special shapes glowdeo at the Balloon Fiesta. We took the park and ride since we knew they pretty much had their own lanes and could get us there a LOT faster than if we drove. Online, it said the glowdeo would start at 7 and go til 8. So we got there at 7:20 and right as we were pulling onto the grounds we saw the special shapes all up and glowing. Monica stood up on the bus and goes,"Look! It's a party!!" Cutie patootie.

But then we walked onto the grounds off the bus and they announced that the glowdeo was OVER! What?! You've got to be kidding me! So the balloons all deflated before we could even get close enough to take a good picture. BUM-MER!

So at least we were able to enjoy the fireworks show. They ROCKED!! My personal faves were the ones that explode, hang for a second, and then pop out at you! YEAH! Monica and Leah had fun watching them too. I got some pretty sweet pictures of them. Too bad we're pretty sure our camera got stolen. Ryan stuck it in the outside pocket of his backpack and when we checked this morning it was gone. NOOO! We're going to check around the back of the truck and make sure it didn't just fall out, but how likely is that? I think there had to have been AT LEAST 3000 people there last night. Rubbing shoulders with all those folks doesn't add up in our favor. But we did have a good time. And the girls were A D O R A B L E!!!

P.S. If you really want to see some good balloon pictures, you should bloghop around my New Mehicanos blogging buddies. Pretty much everybody who still lives here has awesome pics!

1 comment:

Cheryl J. said...

So sorry about your camera :-( Did you see Brooke amongst the 3000 people? She was there with her best friend. They were bummed about it getting called off, but had fun anyway.